My only one ♥



昨晚的梦实在太可怕了 ! 竟然梦到她和别人在一起 ! 严重抛弃我 :( 然后我马上起来打给她确认一下我们还在一起的厚 ~ ♥ 昨晚昨晚,补习完就去她家等她冲凉好了去喝茶,去到一点 ! 够力迟 /.\ 哈哈哈 ,不过昨天真的很开心,有个贤妻良母,总是为我着想,真是我前世修来的福啊 ! 我昨晚写了一封信息给她,内容 :
Be my everything . thx you alot . Always be my side . You are the only one i hate in this world because you are the only one let me fall in love with you . I wanna you be my wife in future . Although i am not handsome and rich , but i will give you everything that i could give to you . Thx dear can care me so much . Hope can hold your hands and walk to our future . I never care about what was happenning , i just care about you love me or not . Dear i love you 

我真的很感谢这些日子以来,都有她的陪伴,我真的好爱好爱她,dear ~ 我爱你 

